Monday 27 October 2014

Perspective Drawing

A short exercise this week in drawing 1 point perspective. Having already familiarized myself with perspective drawing i was able to easily jump into this task with an environment of my own imagining. For this i decided upon a space station corridor, the overall layout being a straightforward walkway, with with pipes, grates, bulkheads and a reinforced glass skylight. I also decided to set a type of small scenario by having a character be hiding around the corner as though sneaking.

Although i was pleased with the overall result, i felt i had been a bit too heavy handed with shading which may have been detrimental to the quality of the drawing. 

Monday 20 October 2014

Futuristic Weapon

For this task, i must create a futuristic, projectile based firearm. The weapon in question must be ballistic (therefore no energy or plasma weapons allowed). To begin i decided to research and reference other weapons so as to get begin brainstorming a possible design.

With healthy variety of weapons researched i went on to brainstorm a few possible designs, to begin with, i thought a possible Gatling weapon with a slow revolving bullet shield, to a similar weapon except mounted on an external frame that would fit to the users arm.
  Eventually i began to hypothesize combing a revolving Barrelled weapon but at the same time making for long range, a precision rifle with 3 rotating barrels to increase the overall rate of fire.
The gun has internal functions designed to reduce recoil and an added deploy-able stabilizer.

Monday 13 October 2014


My task this week has me focusing  on the anatomy of tentacles. The objective to create a creature with tentacles though a stylized or realistic approach. To initiate the development of my design, I began by researching and compiling images of various creatures and animals bearing Tentacles to use as a reference. 


I was drawn towards combining  tentacles with an insect/humanoid hybrid. To experiment with i sketched a number of different ideas.

My Final design was of a shelled humanoid creature clad in tentacles which form a cloak around it but also used as a means of attack. The tentacles are designed as to try and hide the true form of the creature making it ambiguous and ominous.