Sunday 23 November 2014

Lighting Perspective

The Objective this week is exploring perspective and lighting all the while designing a tank. As always its best to begin with references for inspiration.

My first sketch is planning out the orientation and perspective of my tank along with the lighting as a warm up. 

After, i run through a couple of short sketches using construction lines to get the correct bearing for the vehicle.

My second design would be less then optimal for the shading as result of its more horizontal shape.

I start of the final design with cuboid frame to get the correct position.
After i begin adding in the shading and adjusting the lighting.

Monday 17 November 2014


Next for a character design is an Insectoid. I've only had meager experience doing anything insect like so therefore this once a again another design to become familiar with.

Insects typically have a carapace or some form of a crapace that is chitinous in nature. It is designed to protect but at the same time is usually ridged, with small plates of armour overlapping each other so as to not make movement difficult.

My first few sketches, the insectoid seemed a bit too humanoid so i decided to adjust some of the limbs.

 The waist area is thinner and so too is the area connecting the thighs to the pelvis. Additionally the torso has more depths and is heavily plated.

 The creature moves with some degree of agility to effectively traverse the canyon like regions they reside. Additionally their amour is relatively thick but strangely lightweight. Genetic manipulation can be thanked for many of these features as a result of tampering with the species. 

Monday 3 November 2014

Halloween: Wraith

This week, i was tasked with creating a Halloween themed creature. For this i looked towards a wraith or ghostly creature combined with some form of medieval old style Armour. As this was the first time i had done some form of a horror themed entity, references were of great use.
The concept behind my creature was a reaper styled being, bearing a hood and seemingly discarded Armour. The being itself is sometimes only barely visible bearing a rough humanoid outline, other times its virtually non existent and the Armour appears to animate on its own.

I blurred the outlines of humanoid figure so as to make it appear more ambiguous, and added a sickly green glow to further add to the eerie effect.