Rift's character model sheet complete with front back and side view, and also detailing some of the materials.
More sketch work of rift including a expressions sheet, poses and a further developed costume.
Personality wise rift is intended to be a jester, usually mischievous, unpredictable and prone to causing havoc.

In order to embody her magic/void based abilities i wanted to give her an almost witch like element. Some of her Armour is crafted from old, decommissioned destroyed robots which she wears like shaman bone charms. Outside of the robotic skulls, part of her chest Armour was supposed to be a fabricated rib cage taken from a some kind of skeledroid or synth. |
And finally an initial render of rift, initially i toyed with he idea of her having horns to convey a semi devil appearance. Ultimately this stood out from the costume and thus was removed in later variations.
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