Friday 12 December 2014


The objective of my modelling assignment is to constrcut a temple from a reference image.This gives me a chance to fully use what i've learnt from previous modelling tasks. 
The temple itself can be deconstructed into mostly cubes and prisms, and thus does not present much of a problem. 

Certain areas such as the foundations the roof can be slightly tricky due to the way they link together.

I want to limit how many individual shapes i use so instead i am mostly extruding the faces of existing shapes and keeping it as simple as possible. 


A few sketches to continue on from body proportions, this time looking at the human skeleton to get a clear understanding of the human anatomy.
Although studying the human skeleton gave some insight i feel that it may also help in future when trying to design otherwise none human creatures as i could use many of these studies as references on creating a creatures skeletal structure. 

Thursday 11 December 2014


Body proportions is something i feel i should give more considerations when drawing characters. A new method i've learned aside from using shapes to make a makeshift skeleton for a character is also using boxes to determine the height and build.

Chairs and Table

In Keeping with modelling and texturing, my next attempt is on furniture. To begin i'm modeling a basic wooden chair. As i am mostly working with Cubes for this model it isnt as challenging given my past experience with the tools. 
The wire cube acts as a frame to get the the height with and chair approximate. 

 From there it gets more difficult however, as i then move onto modelling a curved chair. The challenge is that i am now working on something with curvature and a and a less basic composition.

From modelling the two chairs i the UV wrap them to prep them for texturing. 

Next is the garden table, slightly less difficult then the curved chair. With this i need to split the surface of the table into multiple planks.

The wood texture is produced from a grained brown background in photo shop and a light ripple effect added to certain areas to make it resemble wood grain. 

The Textured table and chair.

Tools Texturing

My next task was a bit more difficult, as this time i was modelling much more complicated objects. Additionally i had to also learn to texture an object for the first time.

The objects had to model and texture were a sledgehammer, pry-bar and a step ladder. 

The sledge hammer was the easiest of the 3  requiring only the shaft and the hammer head, the pry bar was made more difficult due to the forked ends which also needed to be smoothed.

The ladder was challenging but not so much compared to the pry bar.  

Texturing Easily proved to be the most the difficult part of this task. Mapping and Sewing the UVs took some trial and error and was tedious.

Overall i feel content with the final result.

Modelling Fish

My first initial modelling task was to construct a 3D fish. For this i was to modelling against a 2D drawing which acted as my reference.
The base is constructed from regular cuboid with the back and sides extruded to create the base for the tail and fins. 

 The model is placed against the reference image to get the proportions and shape roughly exact.

 The model can be viewed in either its polygon form of a smoothed organic version.

 Additionally i was able to twist certain areas along the X, Y and Z axis so as to pose the model

Life Drawing

Through out this term i have have also been engaged in life drawing. These are compilation of some of my personal favorites from some of my sessions. 

Much of my drawings were done on an A5 sheet using charcoal which has not always been my favorite media. However after being able to achieve both interesting and pleasant results, my atttitude towards charcoal has subsequently changed. 

In some session i was able to use ink. 

I was pleased with the results of many of my ink drawings, particularly the way i was able to put more emphasis on light and dark areas.  

This drawing was actually modified by several different people as who individually added to it. The was a drawing with a mixture of techniques and styles. 

 At some point i used chalk and charcoal in combination and made it work to my advantage. I decided to shade much of the the drawing and then lighten some areas with charcoal. I particularly like the way the light and shaded areas blend smoothly as a opposed to there being a sharp change in tone.

I feel life drawing exercises overall have not only taught me new techniques but at the same time have refined my drawing ability, notably when doing poses and body proportions

Sunday 23 November 2014

Lighting Perspective

The Objective this week is exploring perspective and lighting all the while designing a tank. As always its best to begin with references for inspiration.

My first sketch is planning out the orientation and perspective of my tank along with the lighting as a warm up. 

After, i run through a couple of short sketches using construction lines to get the correct bearing for the vehicle.

My second design would be less then optimal for the shading as result of its more horizontal shape.

I start of the final design with cuboid frame to get the correct position.
After i begin adding in the shading and adjusting the lighting.