Thursday 11 December 2014

Chairs and Table

In Keeping with modelling and texturing, my next attempt is on furniture. To begin i'm modeling a basic wooden chair. As i am mostly working with Cubes for this model it isnt as challenging given my past experience with the tools. 
The wire cube acts as a frame to get the the height with and chair approximate. 

 From there it gets more difficult however, as i then move onto modelling a curved chair. The challenge is that i am now working on something with curvature and a and a less basic composition.

From modelling the two chairs i the UV wrap them to prep them for texturing. 

Next is the garden table, slightly less difficult then the curved chair. With this i need to split the surface of the table into multiple planks.

The wood texture is produced from a grained brown background in photo shop and a light ripple effect added to certain areas to make it resemble wood grain. 

The Textured table and chair.

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