Wednesday 20 January 2016

Character Concept: Rift

Rift is intended to be a mixture, of fantasy magic, sci fi elements. She is a witch of sorts, who's powers center around confusion and chaos, as well as being an efficient close hand to hand. My partial inspiration was that of the Norse god Loki, combined also with a medieval harlequin which became inspiration for her outlandish hairstyle. Her weapon is intended to be an ornate scepter which doubles as a bladed weapon capable of segmenting itself, doubling as a staff or a type of Kusari Gama. Choice of colours was to represent both a mysterious and at the same time frivolous personality through a choice of dark or grayish colors combined with the burning red or pink. Her abilties revolve around being able to manipulate energy and using it to its raw potential or being able to seemingly control machines, or even inanimate objects.

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