Tuesday 29 November 2016

Character Engineer

The initial protagonist for the the game is both a planet-side explorer and engineer, venturing to uncharted and dangerous world.

For this i quickly ended up settling on the idea of a tough, adventurous, tounge in cheek mechanic. 

Her costume simply consisted of padded boots, a vest, fingerless gloves and weebing around her torso holding a pair of  LED lamps. 

The character needed some form of a suit that would be worn while outside, initially this was going to be a form fitting harsdsuit, with a slightly clunky aspect to it. 

This was instead scrapped in favour of a more traditional space suit or Hazardous enviro suit aeasthetic, one that would seemingly make more sense when occupying or venturing into an alien environment. More so, it embodied her larger sturdier body build by having a suit that was larger and radiated strength and durability to survive the harsh environment.  

The suit itself stands roughly 7 - 8 feet tall. The large tanks on the back of the armour act as life support systems and generators supplying the necessary power and care to user. The choice of colour scheme was intended to give it a "custom racer" feel, having been spray painted modified for a more personalised look. 

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